Friday, December 27, 2013


It's been a white Christmas and white December for that matter.  We still have about 2 feet of snow.  The white clumps still hang on some tree branches from the early December snowfall.  Besides snow we've also had plenty of cold temperatures.  Today was actually the first mild day but then it's back to cold.  The solstice has passed so longer day light is ahead.  Meanwhile, the moonlit snow is such a beautiful shade of blue. 
I'll expand on feet in another way.  Most mountain dulcimers are about 36" long -well over two feet long on toward 3 feet.  Most laps are smaller than that.   It's this American instrument that's played on the lap rather than similar European instruments which are played on tables.  I wonder if more Americans eat on their lap, too.  We often eat dinner or even breakfast with the plate on our lap.  We hang out in the living room with the fireplace. 
Recently I came across an old photo of a biology class from 1900.  The class was at the University of Wisconsin-Superior.  I wondered what topics the class included then.  That's before DNA and before many other biology 'progress.'   One century can mean so much although day to day it hardly seems like changes are made.  I wonder what life will be like a century from now.  It's hard to imagine. 
Before I end I can report on what I did today for the first time.  I got to be in a puppet show.  I was a chicken and then an ostrich.  It was a challenge to come up with two voices and two personalities.   The topic was water pollution and the water cycle.  Water droplets - two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atoms - are on an endless journey.  It's the same water today as when the dinosaurs were here.   Water is the snow, the rain, the cloud, us, our pets, our food, and yes, a part of dulcimers.

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