Wednesday, May 19, 2010


OK the temps in Duluth are getting into the 60's and it's feeling warm and even hot. The shorter pants are out, tshirts, and the noticing of the extra pounds from winter that need to be walked off. Getting out early for a walk is a great time of day to do it. Walking in the neighborhood sidewalks, wooded area, or the newer Lakewalk that's been expanded out to Lakeside where I live. Some parts of our area are a bit steep so you can warm pretty quickly.
I encourage you to get out and walk. It doesn't need to be fast or even too long. It helps to get out and see your neighbors and see all the springtime changes. Take a deep breath at the Oxygen made by the new growing leaves. As the air temp raises so does the soil temp and it's gardening time. Planting seeds for veggies, decorative flowers, and the seeds of the joy of folk music are great this time of year. Maybe your town has some outdoor summer concerts and opportunities to listen to live music by local musicians or maybe you want to take your instrument out to play. A goal I have this summer is to form a small community jamming group and add a storytelling element to it. I think stories are only for kids and stories can have all kinds of lessons tucked in. If we can work on telling on our stories and learn some goodies to share. Stories and music - plants, too - can spread sunshine and warmth.

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