Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hearts and Happiness

It's February and Dulcimer Day registration is open. This year is the 10th year for the festival. A decade of being the upper MidWest's dulcimer gathering. It's always been mostly mountain dulcimer players but hammered dulcimer, guitar, and general folk music enthusiasts are welcome. I always like adding a hands-on "make-it" sessions and this year it will be learning to dry felt.
February is the month of love which tends to be connected with hearts and the color red. People can wear red for saying love and also the Heart Association had their Heart awareness day and effort where wearing red is to remind us to take care of our hearts. This Friday, Feb 4 is the Wear Red/Go Red for Women day. Hearts are also connected with February and yes, Dulcimers, too. It's hard to really know but I'd say that at least 75% of mountain dulcimers have heart sound holes. The Dulcimer Day brochure is off to the printer and it also is adorned with hearts. The hearts are drawn in a vine-type manner. Growing hearts which is part of sharing our love - of music, of folk instruments, and of doing things we enjoy doing.
I have to say that February might also be chocolate month. With a birthday coming up this month I may just have a chocolate treat or two. I have a new pizelle maker (Italian thin waffle-like cookies) and will give making canolis a try. The round pizelle is folded over a rod -about the size of noter - and then the tube is filled with a sweet cheese and sprinkled with mini chocolate chips. Since I'm half Italian I grew up on pasta, some garlic bread, and now want to add some Italian treat that my mom used to make. I didn't eat them when I was younger and never learned then how to make them. My mom is long gone and now I can try making the canolis somewhat like she used to do.
I think hearts also represent happiness. Most people are happy to be in love and being in love or doing things we love can also bring a red glow to our faces. I'm loving doing different art activities ranging from silk scarf dyeing (and I offer classes) to a little bit of painting. Biology topics also always fascinate me and all that we can learn from nature. There is a lot to appreciate in the world. Maybe a color could be our own reminder of thinking more about what we love to do and who we appreciate. Pick red, pick a shape like a heart, or maybe even pick a sound like the D note made on a mountain dulcimer. Take a deep breath and if you want to come to beautiful Duluth in May, sign up for the Dulcimer Day festival.

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