Friday, April 25, 2014

DDD linked from Visit Duluth

I always like to go to to catch what events are going on.  Visit Duluth has also been a sponsor for Dulcimer Day over the years helping with the mailing to over 600 people.   This week they made a Dulcimer Day icon and it's linked on the right side of their page.  Check it out.  Duluth has many good things going -   oh, but we do have a snowy day today.  Everything is white AGAIN.  My car snow tires come off today so the snow needs to end.   Some warmer days are ahead.  On Dulcimer Day the temperature might be in the 'hot' 40s.

Tonight I'll take a picture of the Dulcimer Day mugs.  I picked the mugs up this week from Sheila at the Duluth Art Institute.  There are about 15 more that will be for sale on May 3.  Thank you to those who pre-ordered and paid. 

Today is Friday and I have a bunch of things going on at work in Superior.  Rex the dog (human in costume) will be out at 4 places greeting people and reminding pet owners to Scoop the Poop.  It's National Scoop the Poop week and we also have new bookmarks that will go out to the dog businesses in town.   This week was also the announcement for 6 local artists to be selected based on submitted designs to paint their artwork on the sidewalk in Superior beside a storm drain.  It was hard to decide from the 12 submissions.    Maybe I could try out painting a dulcimer on our pathway to the house.  That could be fun!   Three people were in the dulcimer class that I taught over the last 2 Tuesdays.  It was a small class but the participants now are part of the dulcimer family.   I like Dulcimer Day for many reasons but the classes, concerts, and chatting with other players is all fun.

Just about a week to go.


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