Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Seeds and Blossoms

The crabapple trees in the yard are dressed in their pink and white.  Seeds are planted in the garden.  I think summer is here - even though just 2 weeks ago we were canoeing among floating ice near Fitgers off the Lakewalk.   For summer plans I'm ready to do play music outdoors.  I also might see about getting a couple jams going - one at my church and one at a senior center in Superior.  It's fun to see where music can go and who it brings together.

I've been a volunteer announcer on the Women's Music Program on KUMD for about 6 years now and played several tunes from Debbie Peters Meanderings CD.  She was one of the guests/instructors/performers at Dulcimer Day this year.  I like the version of Rueben's Train which has a change in pace in the song to really have the sound effect of a train approaching.   Here in Lakeside the North Shore Scenic Railroad has a train that goes by several times every day.  It's a popular attraction to hop aboard and enjoy the scenery and just being on a train. 

 I probably have too many interests.  I just love to take art classes and to do art.  This month I'll be making more of the fused glass birds, carving, painting using acrylics, and songwriting.  I'm an arts advocate in the community seeking to increase publicity - and sales - of local makers of creative things.  The next local fair coming up is Woman-Made on July 26.  The location is the Coppertop Church, 230 E. Skyline - same as Dulcimer Day.  Over 25 artists will be there from 10 am -4 p.m. and there will be a quilt raffle by a local organization for the PAVSA group.  A local dance center will also have some youngster do a show mid-day.  
I'm going to take a mosaic class to make a small table this month through the Community Ed classes.  Quilt pieces making a quilt, ceramic pieces making mosaics,  notes making songs, experiences making a life - bringing together materials can be beautiful and fun.     Soon as it's a bit warmer I might add  - chocolate sprinkles and ice cream for another example. 

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