Monday, January 29, 2018

Dulcimer Day in Duluth - not happening in May 2018

Thank you so much for attending a Dulcimer Day in Duluth festival or wanting to attend one!  I hope you are enjoying the dulcimer and playing your instrument.  I am very thankful to the helpers over the years, especially Terry Brown (my husband), Cherlyn, Bruce, Billie, and Phyllis and Gary. I am also thankful to the musicians that have made their way to Duluth (for many their first time in Minnesota), and to the local artists that have come over the years. 

Dulcimer Day in Duluth folk music festival has been held annually over the last 16 years.  It's been a day of learning opportunities with numerous classes and concerts with top performers showcasing a variety of styles to play dulcimers and introducing new tunes, having meals together, participating and listening to open mic., and a vendor area with local artisans and instrument/accessory booths. Besides dulcimer classes there have been a nice variety of other instrument classes offered, too. Unfortunately, due to decreased attendance over the past few years the festival will not be held this year.  Perhaps, if a funding sponsor or grant could be secured the fest may be held again but given the costs of the performers, traveling of the teacher/performers, venue rental, and other expenses it just isn't being covered by the lowered attendance.  Partly the poor Canadian money exchange rate, partly people being busy, it's at the point that the festival for 2018 won't be happening this May. I've thought and thought about it and even thought about just organizing a gathering but I think people really enjoyed the classes.

I know quite a few of the people relied on the mailing for the Dulcimer Day announcement.  I was mailing about 700 brochures but that won't be happening this year so really only the web and email folks will know - or at least know first.

It's been an honor to create a fun day and a day that encouraged learning more about folk instruments - most of which many people have never heard of!   I appreciate those who have traveled and made time for attending the festival and even supported it by buying a tshirt. It was fun to see smiles of people having a good time.  There are past group photos and photos from the festivals at 

Keep on playing your instrument!

Wendy Grethen

Dulcimer Day in Duluth coordinator for 16 years

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