Friday, August 13, 2010

Hot weather

Duluth's weather has been hot - not as hot as other parts of the U.S. and world but for us about 75 is hot. Even poor giant Lake Superior is heating up and is at a record high. We are ready for the season change to bring about a bit of cooler relief. Already the day light is becoming less but we still can be out in the garden or on a walk until 9 p.m. There was a chance to see the Northern Lights about a week ago and we woke up in the night but clouds came in. There is an incredible picture up by Grand Portage with the witch tree. Go check it out.
The zucchini have arrived. Several a day. We eat them for breakfast, at lunch and dinner. Muffins, spaghetti sauce, and stir-fry - oh and pass one on to people we know. This year I also have been growing spaghetti squash. It's doesn't have that much flavor but is interesting how 'noodles" appear as you scrape it with your fork.
I was up at the Fiddle Festival in Cotton, about an hour north of Duluth, last weekend. I was demoing the bowed psaltry which is played much slower than the fiddle. I like the sound of the fiddle and admire all the many tunes some of the 'odl'timers" know and really there is a young surge too of fiddle players.
Have you played a dulcimer with other instruments beyond dulcimer? The folk instrument 'family' go together and even I love the limberjack tapping or the egg shake too. I might just take some harmonica lessons this fall. Last night was a new lesson - sailing. It was fun but the wind died out and we had to be towed in. With playing the dulcimer the combo of strumming, finger picking, 'hammering/striking", and bowing give you options to make the simple 3 strings ring and cover a gamut of sounds and songs. It's all up to you what you'd like to do.

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