Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dance Music

Tunes can be played for singing verses, calming a child, adding energy to a gathering, for praise, and for dances. I'm always amazed at the diversity of cultures around the world. Going to some ethnic or cultural fairs brings on interesting music, let alone food, outfits, and dances. Some dances go back centuries. What came first the music or the dance? In many cases, both go together. Look in my NEW section and see that I now carry a couple books on English Country Dances - mountain dulcimer tab - and a CD called Dances with the Dulcimer. Yes, I love traditional folk songs and was playing around with the Housewife's Lament yesterday and a few other pioneer songs. I'm eager to get playing some rhythms and tunes specific to certain countries. Ireland and Scotland have their share but what about Asian music, music of Tibet, or French or German music? Perhaps if you're playing a song you can imagine how dancers would dance to it. Lucky for the whistle players who can dance and play at the same time.

Be careful with instruments in the heat. Don't leave them in your car or preferably not even in a window where the sun shines through often. Cases give some protection to temperature changes but still it's better to be cautious.

Have you tried other tunings besides DAD and DAA? I recommended DGD for some key of G music - great for Angelina Baker. There are plenty of tunings to explore. Keep on exploring.

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