Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I bought some honey this weekend from a cool family that does just about everything - weaves, builds boats, has chickens and yes has bee hives. The honey looked so good I was ready to dip a straw in. Yesterday I made granola with some of it and I'll try a recipe from Lydia's Italy that uses honey, bread crumbs, orange peels and nuts.
I think about describing woods or stains for wood. On our dresser that we bought from the local store called the Saw Mill we applied honey- colored stain and it looks great. I also like how spruce when cut and made into an instrument looks white at first but then naturally 'honeyifies." The golden, warm color is comforting.
Have you ever been called Honey? Not just by a sweetheart but by a stranger who just uses that word. A person that uses the word usually is from a more rural area or from the south or is a bit older. Anyway, it's almost fun to be called Honey.
I just got off the phone with a person named Amber. I have a piece of golden honey colored amber with a trapped insect in it. How many centuries ago did the insect live? I also have some amber colored beer rings - that's earring made out of old beer bottles. When the light catches it, the honey-like colored light shines through. It's making me hungry and read for a little sweetness. Everyone does know that the word Dulcimer comes from the word sweet, right? Dolci, Dulces, and similar words are on Italian menus and even Nestle chocolate chips packs. Sweet Music, Dulcimers, natural sweet and beautiful color with the light shining through - honey.
Time to go have a spoonful - no tea needed.

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